Monday, September 30, 2013

BELIEVE it or NOT, One Of The Guest Toilet In Kenya's President Villa(photo)

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Maintenance culture is not just a problem in Nigeria but also affects many countries in Africa. This is one of the guest toilet in the President of Kenya villa, what we otherwise call Aso Rock in Nigeria.
Many people see the state house , Nairobi as a magnificent mansion because of the manicured lawns and the beautiful decor but no one could even think that its toilets would repel anyone who visits.

Recently, some Kenyans visited the house only to be shocked by the state of toilets near the main entrance which are often used by visitors and police officers manning the perimeter fence of our President’s aboard.

Apparently for years, the toilet have been in a poor state and frequent visitors are used to the filthy stench that emanates from it not forgetting how dirty it usually is.

Thanks to blogging, Africans cannot take this anymore, no more silence on important health issues.We have seen what happens in civilized nations and we want our nations to learn and let us adapt to good maintenance culture.


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