Friday, September 28, 2012

I dislike President Jacob Zuma- A citizen's cry

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Yes I do. Firstly because, he’s spineless and not a leader at all if you ask me.What kind of a leader just sits back and watches his country fall apart right under his nose?I know he’s not literally just sitting there doing nothing, yet I feel he is not doing enough as

A president. Zuma needs to be more hands-on about issues in South Africa, considering the fact that we’re a very fragile and historically wounded nation in majority. Thus we’re still in the process of healing, yet he still lets things go horribly wrong for ie: Marikana incident. I understand that he’s also human, yet I think the outcome of the incident was going to be better had we a more hands-on and concerned leader/President.
I’m talking about a President that would go and put Julius Malema in his place, then go and talk to the protesters in Marikana the moment things started to get out of hand, because we all saw the disaster coming from afar. A President that would actually show some emotion when need be. The type of President that would show anger, sympathy, jubilance etc. A President that’s actually there!(for crying out loud). I’m talking about someone that will actually put at least ONE foot down and have presence that is actually felt.
What a dictator he is, and all he cares about is KZN, and his “private” life(wives).To a point, he is intelligent and wise yet, he’s just not a person to look up to and praise, per say. He is just not a leader and especially not for this country.
This might not be a good example yet, I think it will be best for what I’m currently trying to explain.

Well, here it goes: A President as influential as Julius Malema(hides), someone that will make a difference rather. A President that everyone actually listens to and looks up to as well. I mean, even my baby brother prefers Malema over Zuma and I know he’s just a kid and understands nothing really, yet, this proves who is more influential(leadership skills). I hope you understand my point in saying all this though. I could go on for a while, yet I can’t spend too much of my precious time writing about someone I have lost so much respect for, if there was any to begin with.
We need leaders in this country and fast because, I don’t know about you, but I foresee bleakness in our countries future. It really concerns me and breaks my heart to say the least.

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