Gun Store Bans Obama Voters
We’ve seen a rash of crazy responses to President Obama’s re-election
last week – employers cutting employee benefits, riots, woman running
down husband with a car, even a suicide. But this one is probably the
most misguided. A gun store owner in Arizona has banned Obama voters
from his shop, taking out an ad in his local paper to cement his stance.
The owner’s message is as follows:
To Whom it May Concern:
I thought you all might be interested in this.
We will try to demonstrate once again that the bottom line for our business is principle, not money.
Yes, it has been damaging at times but our values are intact.Effective immediately, if you voted for Obama, your money is no good
here. You have proven beyond a doubt that you are not responsible enough
to own a firearm. We have just put a sign up on the front door to save
you the trouble of walking all the way in here…
I took this ad out in our local paper. It will come out in the White Mountain Independent tomorrow, 9 November.
Cope Reynolds
The store, which is in the tiny town of Pinetop – population: 4,156 –
had only 736 Obama voters, according to the Phoenix News Times. That’s
736 less potential customers for the store. That’s quite the dent in a
business already catering to a small area, but if owner Cope Reynolds’
political convictions are that strong, he’ll probably feel more
spiritually rich. [VN]
Today , I have read this news every where during my research