Friday, January 18, 2013

Talking tree that proposes love to women has declared drought!

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The strange incident of a talking tree stump from Gwen'ombe Langwani area under Chief Mazvihwa in Zvishavane  of Zimbabwe has reportedly taken a turn for the worse following reports that the stump has 'read a riot act' to villagers threatening them with incessant drought.

It is reported that the talking stump is claiming that the area would never receive moderate rainfall for agricultural activities as it was 'allegic' to heavy downpours. The mysterious stump, which villagers mostly school children and women claimed to have witnessed talking, was left after a tree was cut down for firewood.

The tree is also said to be in a habit of proposing love to women who come near it. Several women have confirmed this claim and two of them claimed have been 'told sweet nothings' by the tree stump late last year.

A source, who identified herself as Mrs Mufari and stays a few kilometres from the place where the "talking stump" is located said she got shocked when two local women came to her homestead on the same day claiming that they had also witnessed the stump talking.

"Two women indicated to me that the stump was talking to them like a male person proposing love to them. I then accompanied them to the scene  and was shocked when the stump started talking. The voice was hoarse and it kept on proposing love to us while threatening that there will be no rain if we turned down its proposal. What is however frightening is that the stump only talks to women and children," she said.

Meanwhile, the startling drought threat which had reportedly sent shivers down the spines of villagers is living true as the area since late last year has reportedly not yet received moderate rainfall which can afford villagers to till their land. According to villagers who spoke to ouyr news crew, the threat shocked the whole Gwen'ombe communirty and those who doubted the existence of the mysterious stump were beginning to believe the fairly tale as the area still remains very dry.

"At first when reports emerged that there was a talking stump here which was terrorising and threatening villagers by calling their names many people dismissed the claims as a hoax. As we speak right now our area has not yet received moderate rainfall to kick-start the planting season and doubting Thomases are now beginning to believe the story following the latest threats by the talking tree that there is going to be drought in the area since it is allergic to heavy rains," said a distraught Leonard Svondo.

Another villager, Anold Chikodzero said they were now living in fear and most villagers have since stopped using the road at night.

"We no longer use the road at night for fear of risking our lives and the strange thing is that the stump has a register of names for EVERY VILLAGER as it calls them by their names as one passes by," said Chikodzero.

Following incessant threats by the talking stump, Chief Mazvihwa has planned to organise a traditional ceremony at the scene saying the issue has caused a lot of alarm in Zvishavane.

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