Wednesday, February 27, 2013

How To Deal With Your EX Boyfriend Who Happens To Be A Co Worker

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This is for anyone who has ever dated someone from
work, had a relationship, then broken up and still has
to work with that person. This article will show you
how to deal, no matter what the current or past
situation is between you two.

1. Know how you feel about your ex. Do you still have
feelings? Admit it (to yourself, not the ex). Do you
truly not care about them? Are you still angry, upset,
or hurt by the break-up?

2. Decide where you stand with your ex. Are you
going to be friends with them, or not talk to them at
all? If you would still consider dating them again, its
strongly suggested to maintain a friendship, even if
its not strong. If you are positive you want to move on
with your life, decide if you can deal with them being
in your life as a friend or if you truly need to cut them
completely out of your life to keep going? If you are
not sure of what might be between you, you are best
off just being nice to your ex.

3.Don't talk about your relationship with your ex at
work. You don't want to invoke anger or fits of crying
with either one of you. Remember, you are at work,
keep it professional.

4. Do not, by any means, discuss your relationship
with everyone at work or say any bad things about
your ex behind their back. They are bound to find out
sooner or later, and it doesn't make you look like a
very nice person. Also consider, out of respect for
yourself and your ex, that you probably don't want
everyone to know your business. It was private and
should stay between you.

5. Consider and learn to accept the fact that you, or
your ex, might date a fellow employee someday. It's
hard as heck to watch your ex flirt with other
employees or sometimes customers, but accept that
they have moved on and do the same.

6. If your ex's parents or friends or people you have
met through your ex show up at work, say hello and
be professional. Don't run away or ignore them, it just
makes you look immature.

7.As hard as it might be, be polite and kind towards
your ex. Be the better person. Even if they are mean,
rude, or ignorant towards you, remember that you are
mature and professional and act accordingly.

8.If ex ignores you completely at work, follow suit. If
not talking or acknowledging each other's presence at
work helps you both to work better, then do it.
However, don't be afraid to talk to them if you need
to discuss something work-related with them.

9. Don't play games. Don't pass along messages for
other employees to tell your ex or threaten to get
them fired or flirt with other people to make them's stupid and not worth your time. If you do
want to do something to make them want you back,
do it when you're not at work. If you do it at work, its
very obvious and doesn't look believable to anyone,
including your boss.

10. Let time heal you. Like any break-up, it takes time
to get over someone and having to see them at work
definitely doesn't make it easier but you will get over
them. Just give time.

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