Tuesday, February 19, 2013

My Boss Spends Twice My Salary On Dog Food

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At first it was very funny when someone shared this story with me but then I felt so much pity for the cook who once served the son of a very powerful Kwara state politician who is now late.

I heard on good authority that the politicians son who also once contested for a top political office but lost employed a cook with a monthly take home of #25,000 but gave the same cook #45,000 to feed his beloved dog for a period on one month during which he went on a business trip.

On his arrival from the one month trip, he noticed the dog has been poorly fed during the period he was away and demanded his cook to make an explanation for the sudden loss of weight his dog suffered. 

To cut the long story short, the cook got fired on allegations of embezzling the dogs feeding allowance.


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