Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Two Brothers Strangled In Their Sleep By A Python

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Two brothers, age five and seven, (Pictured Above) have been tragically strangled to d*ath in their sleep by a giant 16-foot python that escaped from a pet store below the apartment where the boys were staying.

 Connor and Noah Barth were sleeping soundly when the 100-pound African Rock Python fell from the ceiling and attacked them.

 The boys were spending the night with Jean-Claude Savoie, who lives above the Reptile Ocean pet store that he owns in the tiny New Brunswick city of Campbellton in Canada.

 The National Post reports that the snake was a 14 to 16-foot African rock python that even its owner said was 'vicious' and was rarely handled.

 The horrifying deaths of the two children shocked residents of the small city of 7,400 in northern New Brunswick.

 'It’s very nerve-wracking. If one got out, how many else got out,' Ms Fournier said.

 Police said an autopsy on Tuesday will confirm the exact cause of d*ath, though officials believe the boys were crushed to d*ath by the snake while they slept.

 Mr Savoie said he captured the snake and turned it over to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, who are examining it.

 An RCMP spokeswoman said the major crimes unit is investigating the case and will determine whether any criminal charges should be filed against the owner.

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