Friday, November 8, 2013

Man Shoots Woman De*d, Thought She Was A Monkey

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A woman was reportedly shot dead after a hunter thought her for a monkey.

The 19-year-old man, was on a hunting trip in Saudi when he saw what he thought was a monkey sitting in atop a tree harvesting fruit.

 He then fired and the bullet hit the woman in the chest.

 When the man came near her, he was shocked to find she is a woman.

The female shepherd, in her 60s, was in the tree in the western Saudi town of Taif when she was shot.

He took her to the hospital but she was pronounced dead on arrival, reports say.

The hunter handed himself into to police who arrested him.

He told police he had killed her by mistake as he thought she was an monkey damaging the tree.

Saudi has suffered problems in the past after baboons and other monkeys flooded into villages looking for food.

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