Saturday, March 1, 2014

WICKED: Islam Extremist Cut Hand Of A Man For Stealing Also Posted PHOTOS Online Afterwards

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This is just going too far but fact is its better than burning him alive like people do in some countries but regardless its still an awful act.

A group of Syrian Islamist militants, of the militant organisation ISIS - Islamist State in Iraq and Syria, some days ago  posted horrifying photographs of a man having his hand cut off in a live-update on Twitter. According to them, the man, an alleged thief, had admitted to his crimes and requested to be punished in this way, to 'cleanse him of sin'.

One photo shows the blindfolded man with his hand being held down on a table while surrounded by a large group of militant rebels. A man dressed in a traditional white robe stands in front of the table, and on the right side is a man in a black balaclava holding a large sword. A later photo shows the man with his hand severed, the limb resting on the bloodied table,  the man seemingly passed out after his hand had been severed.

The live-feed of the amputation, which was carried out in the northern town of Maskanah, near Aleppo, was re-tweeted by several Jihadi social media channels. However, the pictures have been deleted from Twitter and the Twitter account that posted the images suspended from the social networking site.

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