Saturday, March 8, 2014

WOW: Meet The Oldest lady In The World (PHOTOS)

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Many people want to live really long but honestly sometimes living long is a curse, you'll get to witness a lot of deaths of your loved ones, truly awful experience, you wont be surprise knowing her country because they believe so much in herbs which is quite good for the body and ensures long life. 

Ma Misao Okawa, the world's oldest person celebrated her 116th birthday last February. Born in 1898, she got married in 1919 but was widowed in 1931 when her husband died. 

She is a mother of three, grandma of four and great-grand mother of six children. Life and old age! She became the world's oldest person last June following the death of Jiroemon Kiruma, a Japanese at 116 as she was presented with a certificate by the Guinness Book of Records!

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