Ariana Grande apologizes for licking doughnuts on display and saying she hates America
It's a shame when society acclaimed "celebs" behave in a disgusting manner. Ariana grande may habe bitten more than she can chew this time even though she has released another video apologizing for her stupid acts. The singer has put out a video apology following the backlash after she was caught on camera licking doughnuts on the counter meant for customers ..
Ariana and her new love interest and backup dancer Alvarez each licked some doughnuts then kissed each other. The only cashier on duty claimed despite the licking,Ariana was very rude and didn't purchase any doughnuts from the store.
Apart from that, Arina was caught on video saying "'I hate Americans. I hate America,'
After her act, Wolfee Donuts was written up for leaving food on display and other health code violations. It was downgraded to a B rating, and it was given seven days to correct the violations
In a video apology,she said
"Hi, y'all. It's me. I'm free of my puffy cheeks. Please. I'm making this video from wisdom tooth recovery hell. But I just wanted to make a video to apologize again for the whole doughnut fiasco and craziness because I feel like the apology I posted, I was...I like kind of missed my opportunity to actually sincerely apologize and express how I was feeling because I was too busy preaching about my issues with the food industry, which is, like, not, I feel like, relative,"

"I feel like I could have expressed myself in a different way, so here I am, apologizing again. I was trying to get you to understand where I was coming from when I said what I said. But that's not right and I'd rather just apologize. I feel like now's my chance, before the whole thing blows over, to say my side, and that I've actually never been prouder to be American, to be honest with you. With the advances we've made in the last couple of months, all the wonderful progressive things that have been going on, I've never been prouder of this country, actually."
"Here I am apologizing to y'all, chubby cheeks and all, because I feel like seeing a video of yourself behaving poorly that you didn't know was taken is such a rude awakening. It's like you don't know what to do. I was so disgusted with myself. I, like, shoved my face in a pillow and wanted to disappear. But instead of that I'm gonna come forward and own up to what I did and take responsibility and say I'm sorry because I reacted in a way that I feel like wasn't necessary, to say the least, but also just wasn't me at all. I apologize for my poor choice of words and my behavior. Seeing how ugly it looks when you paint it a certain way makes you want to never behave that way again. But, you know, you learn from it. I was just really embarrassed and I never want to be anything but a positive influence on my babes, or my loves, or anyone who pays attention to me for that matter or follows me or sees what I do. It's not what I want to do. I want to a positive influence, so I feel like I let you all down, which sucks. It has not been an easy 24 hours. It's been rough."
"I made a mistake and I'm being judged for it, which I understand because I watched it and was just as disappointed in myself. So, I get it 100 percent. And I'm 22 years old. I'm human. I've still got a lot to learn and I'll make mistakes, and that's how I'm gonna learn. I'm gonna learn from my mistakes and I'm gonna learn by messing up, but that's how we grow. We just have to get better and actually act on it and use the mistakes as a platform to learn, to grow and to become better. It's all a process. But, yeah, I want to be as good as I possibly can be for my babes."
And, yeah, so, I'm not here to make any excuses or justify my behavior, because I can't," she said. "I'm just here to apologize and tell you that I love you and I appreciate being able to talk to you so directly like this and that I'm very sorry and I love you."
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