Thursday, September 27, 2012

Brazilian Agrees to Go to Hong Kong and ‘Check Out’ Businessman’s Lesbian Daughter

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Remember that story about the wealthy businessman who offered a $65 million reward to the man capable of getting his lesbian daughter to leave her loving wife through sheer manliness? 

 Well, we finally have our first volunteer. 

 Meet Gui:

 From: Guilherme [Redacted] To:

 Neetzan Zimmerman Date: Wed, Sept 26, 2012 at 4:36 PM Dear Mr. Zimmerman, I read you article regarding the daughter who is lesbian and i decided i want to go to hk to check her out. 

 My name is Gui [Redacted] and I am from Brazil. I am currently traveling around the world while learning about Algae and climbing mountains.

 I think this girl is gorgeous and as I love women I am willing to fly to Hong Kong  to meet with her.

 Can you please let me know how to arrange a meeting with them? thanks in advance, Gui Gui was nice enough to enclose a pic of himself that he snapped, no doubt, during one of his famous mountain-climbing/algae-learning expeditions.

 I have it on good authority that this photo alone is capable of turning gay women straight, so, Mr. Chao, if you're reading this (and I know you are), Gui is waiting for his check.

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