Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Warning For Pregnant Women Travelling Abroad

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It is a known fact that most pregnant women would prefer to give birth to their babies abroad (preferably in the USA or the UK, or other advanced EU countries), and some women with tourist visas had even succeeded in realising this objective: and a lot of such women even got away with hospital or social bills: but little do they know that the bills forever remain pending against their names. 

Now, it is important to know that most of the women who gave birth to babies in these country often get hunted back with the repercussions as they become long-term or permanently ineligible for Tourist/Visit visa.

 Be advised that it is a serious violation to conceal pregnancy during visa application (especially when you know that your due date falls on the period that you would be abroad), and it is even more serious to give birth abroad if your visa is not issued on medical ground: and worse still, to deny the awareness. 

Now, unlike the merciful 10 years ban that may be applicable with the UK, You may never be issued a US visa again: this violation MAY attract a life ban from the USA depending on circumstances and judgement.

 It is not illegal to apply for a Tourist/Visit visa as a pregnant woman, but it would be a violation if you undisclosed your condition to the Visa officer (for the purpose of giving birth to your baby abroad).

 So, if you are applying for a Tourist/Visit visa while pregnant and you know that there is a high chance that you will give birth abroad, then, i advice you not to withhold the information from the visa officer because, withholding it and giving birth abroad is a very serious abuse that you may have to regret the rest of your life. Be warned 

 Note: This may not directly apply to pregnant women who hold long term visas, but yet, you are advised to carefully read the terms and conditions of your visa, or make enquiries so you don't be an ignorant violator: Ignorance is not an acceptable excuse

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