Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Gary Glitter 'had s**x with underage girl in Jimmy Savile's BBC dressing room'

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Gary Glitter r**ped a girl of 13 in Sir Jimmy Savile’s BBC dressing room, it was claimed last night. The attack in the 1970s allegedly took place as Savile was himself groping a 14-year-old in the same room. A third star – a household-name entertainer who still performs – was also abusing a schoolgirl, according to the claims. 

They were made by Karin Ward, a former pupil of the Surrey school where Savile is accused of preying on under-age girls. She waived her anonymity to tell an ITV documentary screened last night how the Jim’ll Fix It star was in cahoots with pop paedophile Glitter.

 Her devastating story was aired as: The BBC faced fresh claims it hushed up Savile’s abuse. Newsnight was plunged into a row over why it failed to pass allegations to police. More women came forward to tell how Savile molested them as teenagers.

 It was claimed the star abused girls as young as nine at Jersey’s notorious Haut de la Garenne children’s home. Mrs Ward said her abuse happened when, aged 14, she and two fellow pupils of Duncroft boarding school for ‘intelligent, emotionally disturbed girls’ in Surrey were invited to London by Savile.

 She told ITV News the three vulnerable girls were taken to Savile’s dressing room at BBC Television Centre. She recalled: ‘I saw Gary Glitter have s**x with a girl in Jimmy Savile’s dressing that little alcove bit.

 I didn’t see it completely but that’s what was going on and nobody batted an eyelid. ‘Jimmy Savile had a [14-year-old] girl on his lap and he had his hand up her skirt. The girl Gary Glitter was having s**x with also came from Duncroft. I think she might have been not quite 14.’

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