Friday, October 26, 2012

In 2 murder cases, mothers turn in their own sons

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Mindy Sigg sat sobbing, listening to prosecutors tell a court that her 17-year-old son had confessed to the abduction and k**ling of 10-year-old Jessica Ridgeway.

While any mother would be devastated, there was an even more heartbreaking wrinkle for Sigg: She was the one who called police.

It was not the only high-profile case this week in which a mother made that painful choice. In New Jersey, Anita Saunders saw something on a Facebook page that led her to call police.

Her two sons, ages 15 and 17, are now charged with murdering 12-year-old Autumn Pasquale, a bike-lover who authorities said was lured to their home with the promise of new parts.

What does it feel like to turn in your child, knowing they could be sentenced to many years in prison? Surely, no one knows but those who've done it.

But a main motivation, according to one criminologist, is simply a desire to do the right thing.

"These are law-abiding people, pro-social people," said Kathleen Heide, professor of criminology at the University of South Florida. "And besides doing the right thing, the parents often want to get their children help."

What they often aren't aware of, though, are the full ramifications in terms of likely punishment.

"If these are cases of first- or second-degree murder, in most cases the kids will be charged as adults," Heide said. "This means they can be sentenced to life in prison."

In both cases, authorities are deciding whether to prosecute the suspects as adults.

Certainly not all parents are ready to turn in their kids. One high-profile case from the 1990s, in fact, resulted in strains between the United States and Israel, when a father helped his teenage son escape this country after a particularly brutal murder in Maryland. The son, Samuel Sheinbein, confessed and is now serving a 24-year sentence in Israel — a lighter term than he likely would have gotten in the United States.

Mindy Sigg made a different decision. Reached by phone on Wednesday, she told The Associated Press: "I made the phone call, and he turned himself in. That's all I have to say." Then she broke down in tears.

Her son Austin Reed Sigg made his first court appearance Thursday in the death of Jessica and in a separate attack on a 22-year-old runner, who managed to break free, in May.

Prosecutors say he has confessed in both cases, and investigators have overwhelming DNA evidence against him. He was ordered held without bail; prosecutors are expected to formally charge him next week.

Sigg's father, Rob Sigg, issued a written statement Thursday commending his ex-wife's decision and asking for prayers and support for the Ridgeway family.

"This horrible event is a tragedy for both the families, as well as the community. I ask also for your prayers and support for Austin's mother, whose courageous act — unimaginably painful for any parent — has put this tragedy on the path to resolution," he said. "I am hopeful that as the legal process unfolds, the Ridgeway family may come to know peace."

Peg Claspell, who lives near the Siggs, said she was grateful to the mother for her decision and called it the "most loving, difficult thing."

"I can't imagine the pain for her, and she's in my prayers," Claspell said. "She has a long and difficult time ahead of her."

Claspell's husband, Tom, struggled when asked if he would turn in a child. "I can say yes, but I don't know if I would. It would be a very hard thing to do," he said, explaining it would depend on the severity of the crime.

In a case like this, "I probably would," he said.

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