Thursday, October 11, 2012

Married maths teacher, 30, who ran away to France with one of his pupils, 15, in court this morning to face child abduction charge

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The married teacher who ran away to France with a 15-year-old schoolgirl yesterday returned to Britain after almost two weeks in prison.

Jeremy Forrest, 30, was released from jail near Bordeaux, in the south-west of the country, before boarding a flight to Gatwick.

He has been charged with child abduction. He and teenager Megan Stammers disappeared from her home town of Eastbourne, East Sussex, on September 20, sparking a Europe-wide search.

The pair took a cross-Channel ferry to Calais in Forrest’s Ford Fiesta before abandoning the car in Paris. They then took a train to Bordeaux, where they stayed in budget hotels while Forrest looked for bar work.

French police arrested Forrest a week ago last Friday.

Forrest, from Ringmer, is a maths teacher at a school in Eastbourne, which Megan attends. The teenager returned to her hometown on September 29, where she was reunited with her mother and stepfather.

Forrest was taken into custody when he arrived at Gatwick. A Bordeaux police spokesman said he had been returned to the UK under the terms of a European Arrest Warrant.

Forrest’s UK solicitor Phil Smith has said his client looks forward to the ‘full story’ emerging in the coming months.

His French lawyer Daniel Lalanne said he insists he never hurt Megan.

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