Saturday, October 27, 2012

Uncompromising pictures from inside America's overcrowded prison system show the cramped lives lived by more than two million inmates(PHOTOS)

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These revealing pictures illustrate America's prison system at breaking point - with overcrowding in the nation's jails at its highest for eight years.

Correctional institutions across the U.S are bursting at the seams with more than two million Americans behind bars. The worst hit state, California, houses 140,000 inmates when its 33 adult prisons are only designed to hold a maximum of 80,000.

Overall, the Bureau of Prisons Network is around 39 per cent over 'rated capacity' - their highest level since 2004 - with that figure expected to soar to 45 per cent above its limit by 2018.

 So bad is the situation in California that the Supreme Court has slapped an order on the state ruling that 30,000 prisoners must be released by the middle of next year, labelling overcrowded conditions in its jails as 'unconstitutional'.

The prison system has seen a stream of new offenders in the past five years and is still massively overstretched despite extra space being added.

Wardens and experts now fear that increased overcrowding and an increasing lack of privacy for inmates will see them more prone to lashing out and causing trouble.

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