Tuesday, November 20, 2012

I'm having a s***x change to look like Harry Styles

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Like many young girls, Catrina Best thinks Harry Styles is the perfect man. But unlike his many teenage fans, Catrina doesn't want to be with the One Direction star - she wants to look like him.

The 20-year-old, who has been diagnosed as transgender, has modelled her hair and spent thousands on clothing so she can look just like the pop singer.

'Dressing as Harry made me feel confident, so I copied his hair too,' Catrina told this week's Closer magazine. 'I spend 30 minutes every day perfecting the "Harry look."'

Catrina told the magazine she thinks Harry, 18, is the 'perfect boy' and having him as a role model has made it easier as she has struggled with her s**xuality.

The law student, who was born in Northern Ireland, said she has felt different since the age of five when she hated looking at all feminine by having long hair or wearing dresses.

When she was 11 she moved to Lisbon, Portugal, with her parents and found she continued to struggle with her identity as a teenager. She often felt depressed and confused because she didn't fancy boys and was bullied because she made herself look different by binding her breasts and having short hair.

'I later realised I wanted to be with girls – but as the male in a straight relationship,' she said of her confusion over her s**xual preference.

Catrina said it was a 'huge relief' to finally be diagnosed as transgender earlier this year.

She is now saving up to have an operation and plans to take hormones which will give her facial hair and deepen her voice.

In the meantime, she is modelling her look on Harry having been a fan of One Direction since they appeared on The X Factor. 

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