Saturday, March 2, 2013

BREAKING NEWS: Al-Qaeda leader Mokhtar Belmokhtar 'killed in Mali'

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Al-Qaeda leader Mokhtar Belmokhtar has reportedly been k**led by Chadian soldiers in Mali, Chad's armed forces claim.

The veteran Al-Qaeda leader, nicknamed 'Mr Marlboro' for his illicit cigarette empire, is said to have ordered January's attack on an Algerian gas plant where 37 hostages were k**led.

He is reported to be one of several men k***led today when Chadian armed forces in northern Mali 'completely destroyed' a terrorist base around midday. 

His death was announced on Chadian state television but has not been confirmed by other sources.

Chadian armed forces spokesman General Zacharia Gobongue said in a statement read on national television: 'Chadian armed forces operating in northern Mali completely destroyed a terrorist base. 

'The toll included several d***d terrorists, including their leader Mokhtar Belmokhtar.'

Chadian troops are fighting Islamist militants in Mali as part of an international force led by France.

Belmokhtar's death will be a major blow to Islamist rebels in northern Mali who have been pushed into their mountain strongholds by French and African forces.

The terrorist leader was an influential figurehead for the rebels and is said to have masterminded the attack that led to the hostage crisis at a gas plant in January.  

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