Tuesday, March 5, 2013

See What Your Perfume Is Doing To Your Skin

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Perfume can irritate your skin, so in the winter when your skin is already at its limit avoid using it. 

Despite the fact that your skin is still fighting the battle against the cold. There are a few things that you can do to not only protect your skin during these cold and dry months, but also to moisturize and enrich it. 

When moisturizing your skin you should opt for a cream instead of a lotion. Creams lock in moisture but they still allow your skin to breath. Choose something that is fragrance and apply it after you shower.

Perfume can irritate your skin, so in the winter when your skin is already at its limit avoid using it. Perfumes contain alcohol which can mess with your skin while it’s trying to stay moist. Using perfumes will make your skin drier. 

Taking showers that are too hot dries out your skin. Try taking warm showers instead of hot showers so the heat doesn’t take all of the natural oils out of your skin. You should also take shorter showers for the same reason. 

Staying hydrated will help to keep your skin hydrated too. Drink more water than you usually do in the winter for that reason. Water is good for you anyway and if drinking more water can be the cure for your dry skin then you should enjoy that cheap and easy option.

There are some oils that are good on your salad that are good on your skin too. Coconut oil and olive oil are great for your skin. Lightly apply them to your skin and you’ll be healthily moisturizing your skin.

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