Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Australian Billionaire Building A Real life Jurassic Park Filled With ROBOT Dinosaurs

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A life sized T-Rex has already been installed at the resort, where the Australian PGA is set to held later this year.

The eccentric Australian billionaire behind plans to recreate the Titanic has revealed his latest project - a Jurassic Park style theme park filled with robotic dinosaurs. Clive Palmer has ordered more than 100 mechanical dinosaurs from China, to install in his Palmer Coolum Resort.

He already has a life sized T-Rex, with a 20-metre long and 3.5-metre high Deinosuchus, a crocodile-like creature, due to arrive by the end of next month. The animals, which will be displayed in the woodlands around the resort, will sway their tails, heave their chests and blink.

'At @PalmerCoolum resort we'll have the world's biggest dinosaur exhibit, with 165 animatronic dinosaurs,' the mining magnate tweeted.

Mr Palmer said the next shipment would include a 1200 kilogram brachiosaurus and a 7 metre tall mamenchisaurus - both tall plant-eating reptiles. The Deinosuchus, whose name translates as 'terrible crocodile', was one of the biggest prehistoric crocodiles that ever lived,'.

'Apart from its sheer size, the Deinosuchus is very similar to today's crocodiles, illustrating how little evolution has taken place in the species over millions of years.'

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