Monday, November 5, 2012

Election countdown: Obama, Romney in final bid for votes

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President Barack Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney will spend the final hours of the campaign making a mad dash through battleground states Monday in a late push to sway a closely divided electorate ahead of Tuesday's election.

In a final 24 hours, Obama and Romney -- or their campaign surrogates, including their wives and the vice presidential candidates -- are scheduled to make stops in Ohio, Iowa, Florida, Virginia, Colorado, Wisconsin, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and New Hampshire.

A new CNN poll showed 49% support for Obama and 49% for Romney.
A Politico/George Washington University survey has it tied at 48%; an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll indicates Obama at 48% and Romney at 47%; and the latest ABC News/Washington Post tracking poll puts Obama at 49% and Romney at 48%.

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The polling numbers are slightly different in the battleground states, where Obama holds a small edge in more states than Romney. But most of those leads are well within the polls' sampling errors.

Early Monday, Obama wrapped up a campaign stop at a community college in Aurora, Colorado, where he addressed the death and devastation left by Superstorm Sandy.
"Unfortunately, the people of this town understand what it means to grieve better than most," Obama said, recalling the July mass shooting at a movie theater there that left 12 dead and 58 wounded.

"Just as you have begun to heal as a community, we are going to help our friends on the East Coast heal. We are going to walk with them every step of the way. No matter how bad a storm is, we come back. No matter how tough times are, we will thrive."
His voice raspy from weekend campaigning, Obama painted Tuesday's vote as a choice between policies that have moved the country out of the depths of recession and ones that got it into one in the first place.

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