Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Looking For Mr. Right While You're In School

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I was watching CNN and they were talking about how women plan their lives in terms of marriage.

 Well there was a woman on the show who was saying that the best time for a woman to look for a spouse or a potential spouse is while she's In college because it's at that age and environment that you're most likely to find a man who is, what she called, on the same social and intellectual level as you. According to her, women of this generation have been taught to use their twenties to futher themselves academically and professionally.

 Marriage should be something you seek after later in your thirties once you've achieved all or most of your professional goals. 

But then the problem with such an approach, again according to her, is that women end up marrying a lot later because of their careers and by the time they're well settled professionally they're in their early to mid thirties and have nothing but their careers; and not only that, but they have a limited pool of men from with they can chose from because the men they could have dated, and maybe married, when they were in college are already married and probably with their first child by their early thirties. 

Some people called this woman's advice sexist and regressive because if taken out of context, it sounds as if she's telling college women that they should be preoccupied with getting married instead of furthering themselves. 

Me on the other hand I agree with her. I think that while you're young and in school you should keep your eyes open and see what's out there. I don't think that you should rush into marriage right away; afterall, you're not going to school just to walk straight into marriage and start making babies.

 I'm all for women developing themselves while they're young, but It's also wise not to shut out every guy that comes your way all in the name of advancing yourself in your career. What good is money and a dream job if you have no one to share it with? What's your opinion? Do you agree with the woman's argument? Why or why not?

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